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Our exclusive line of  biostimulants gives farmers a line of products with active ingredients of purely natural origin, which stimulate the main physiological processes of the plant while promoting their growth and productivity.

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We have created a line of specific formulations of rapidly absorbed nutrients with low environmental impact, to provide plant organisms with all the elements they need to grow healthy and strong.

Water Soluble Nutrition

Water soluble nutritional products are mineral formulated realized ​​with high concentration of raw materials without  any phytotoxic impurities.The WSN lines, specific for both fertigation and foliar application, offer a wide range of solutions for different nutritional needs and phonological phases

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These products have been studied and realized in order to operate on the metabolism of the crop and on the characteristics of the soil. Organic products in fact regulate metabolic activities by helping plants to overcome stresses and promote microbial activity of the soil as well as improve the structure and cation exchange capacity.

Pesticides and Chemicals

This are high quality products and low environmental impact, which do not alter the balance of the microbial flora of the soil.

Plant Biologist
Planting Plants

Two Element Fertilizer

Jiss biogenics  has formulated these fertilizers with very high solubility in all types of waters, with which it is possible to realize nutrient solutions, complete and balanced, absorbable rapidly from all crops in different phonological stages. The mineral water-soluble fertilizers are used both for foliar as per radical application.

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